Interested in joining a Union?
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By organizing a union, workers can attain significant improvements in the terms and conditions of their employment. Union workers enjoy much stronger legal protection on the job as well as better wages and benefits. Here are some recent statistics that prove it:
Reports show that Union workers generally make 35% more in wages and benefits than non-union workers.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Earnings, January 2000.
Better Benefits
Many Local 371 contracts have affordable health insurance. The employer pays all or most of the expense.
Pension Plans
Local 371 can negotiate a pension plan to make your retirement easier.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employee Benefits in Medium and Large Private Establishments, 1997, Bulletin 2517, September 1999.
Prepared by the AFL-CIO.
Job Security
All Local 371 contracts contain language that prevents employers from unjustly and arbitrarily terminating, suspending and/or reprimanding you without having just cause for their action.
Percentage of Workers with the Same Employerfor 10 Years or More, 1998

Source: AFL-CIO analysis of the Current Population Survey, Supplement on Displaced Workers, Job Tenure and Occupational Mobility, February 1998.Prepared by the AFL-CIO.
Due Process
All Local 371 contracts contain a formal grievance and arbitration system to help provide you with due process at the shop floor level. All violations of your contract are settled through this procedure. So if you have any problems with management that you feel violates your Union contract, this procedure will help solve them.